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About Judith Piper

"Your story has power. What you’ve overcome has created a knowing within you, a strength, and a gift that you can pass on to others. It’s time for you to realize exactly who you are and what you’re made of, and to learn how to use that to create a life that lights you up beyond belief!" Elaine Miller-Karas

I have always been interested in people’s stories and wondered how their experiences and environments impact their lives. The challenges that people face awaken my empathy and compassion and desire to help. My curiosity about people and their stories is a natural fit with my primary therapeutic modality, Lifespan Integration.  I consider it a great privilege to be a witness to the life story of each person I meet and use their own story to bring about positive changes in their life. 

I have a Master of Arts degree in counseling from Seattle University and am a licensed mental health therapist.

I enjoy walking, I sometimes stay up late to finish a good book, and I am an avid gardener from April to June.

Are you ready to take the first step?

Reach out to me today!

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